Wednesday, June 17, 2009

high up in a day, low down in another

eventually, kita kadang - kadang tak berapa perasan yang hidup ni penuh dengan highs & lows.

Cuba fikirkan, let's say kalau orang bekerja, surely ada yang perasan there are days which we do struggle like hell. On the other hand, ada hari - hari yang memang kita sendiri rasa yang gaji kita utk hari itu adalah sangat tidak berkat.

Know what, sometimes, our level of enthuasism is based on our mood. Tapi, psychiatrists surely return back the statement, saying that this moody phenomenon is controlable and further lead to total control of our daily drive.

I've always came accross of this moody phenomenon in my daily cycle. tapi, kengkadang tu kalau kita dah rasa nak keje sangat, memang xpernah kita tgk kiri@kanan kan? but then bila balik rumah, sure letih macam apa. kalaulah dapat rehat kat rumah dengan aman kan..

Pernah tak try utk nyanyi masa kita mandi in the morning? Pernah jadik & experimented. And the result 'wow's you.

1 comment:

sayer said...

hmm.. what is fifty one /fifty?
1.02 or one? it depends on how you interpret the question.. is it a math question?or is it the perspective thing playing it's role? that's life..